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sensing, isotopic tracers, hydrogeophysics); interac-  tary rocks and/or sedimentary environments in the   our new interdisciplinary Earth System Science PhD
          tions between groundwater and other components of   northeast USA or adjacent Canada. The successful   Program. Collaborative research programs that are
          the hydrologic cycle (surface water, oceans, glaciers,   candidate also will have access to instrumentation   regional or global in scope are currently active with
          biota); interactions between groundwater and energy   and facilities in the Dept. of Geology for research and   faculty in the College of Sciences and Mathematics,
          systems (e.g., methane, geothermal); and interactions   teaching. These include a powder-XRD, micro-XRF,   School of Forestry and Wildlife Science, College of
          between groundwater and climate change. We are   SEM-EDS,  CHNSO  Elemental  Analyzer,  petro-  Engineering, and College of Agriculture. New faculty
          especially interested in candidates whose research   graphic microscopes, sediment-sieving equipment,   with expertise in Organic Biogeochemistry will com-
          implements some combination of field, laboratory and   rock cutting and powdering equipment, and thin-  plement the University’s considerable existing exper-
          modeling approaches.               section-making  equipment.  The  search  committee   tise in the areas of hydrogeology, climate change/
            The successful applicant will be expected to con-  is especially interested in candidates with a demon-  paleoclimate sciences, environmental geochemistry,
          tribute to the research and teaching mission of the   strated ability to teach and advise a diverse student   and sedimentary geology. The successful candidate
          Department through the development of a vibrant,   population. A Ph.D. at the time of appointment is   is expected to develop a vigorous, externally funded
          internationally recognized and externally funded   preferred, but ABD candidates will be considered.  research program, publish scholarly work, and advise
          research program, and through teaching courses at   Complete applications will include a brief cover   graduate and undergraduate students. The success-
          the undergraduate and graduate levels. We are par-  letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching phi-  ful candidate will have duties that include teaching
          ticularly interested in candidates who can contribute   losophy, and three letters of recommendation. Please   graduate and undergraduate courses based on his/
          to an inclusive environment, bring new perspec-  submit all materials via Interfolio at: apply.interfo-  her expertise. The candidate selected for this position
          tives  on  mentoring  and  educating  students  from Applications received by January 7,   must meet eligibility requirements to work in the
          diverse backgrounds, and propel novel approaches   2019, will receive full consideration, but applications   United States on the date the appointment is scheduled
          to  research.  Teaching  responsibilities may  include   will be reviewed until the position is filled. Inquiries   to begin (August 2019) and must be able to continue
          introductory geoscience courses for undergraduates   may also be directed to  working legally for the proposed term of employment.
          as well as upper level undergraduate and graduate   Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts col-  The candidate must possess excellent written and
          level courses related to the candidate’s specialty. We   lege that admits students and makes employment   interpersonal communication skills.
          aim to add new faculty who value collegiality and   decisions on the basis of the individual’s qualifica-  Applications must include curriculum vitae, letter
          collaboration in both research and teaching.   tions to contribute to Colby’s educational objec-  of application describing professional experience,
            Applicants must  have  a Ph.D.  in Geoscience   tives  and  institutional  needs.  Colby  College  does   research  and  teaching  interests,  copies  of  official
          or a related field at the time of appointment, and   not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender,   transcripts, and the names and contact information
          must demonstrate potential for excellence in both   sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,   of three professional references. To apply please go
          research and teaching. Applicants should submit a   disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, age,   to
          cover letter, curriculum vitae, the names and contact   marital status, genetic information, or veteran’s sta-  ings/3076, complete the online form and upload the
          information of three references, and a document   tus in employment or in our educational programs.   required application documents.
          containing a set of three statements discussing   Colby is an Equal Opportunity employer, commit-  Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU
          1) research, 2) teaching, and 3) contributions to   ted to excellence through diversity, and encourages   website to learn more about Auburn University
          diversity and inclusion, respectively. These materi-  applications from qualified persons of color, women,   and Geosciences program http://www.auburn.
          als must be submitted as one document online at:   persons with disabilities, military veterans and   edu/academic/cosam/. Review of applications will
 (search for PVL 96018). The   members of other under-represented groups. Colby   begin December 7th, 2018 and will continue until
          appointment may begin as early as August 19, 2019.   complies with Title IX, which prohibits discrimina-
          Review of applications will begin on November 30,   tion on the basis of sex in an institution’s education   a candidate accepts appointment.
          2018, and continue until the position is filled. For   programs and activities. Questions regarding Title   Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disability
          further information or questions, please contact   IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX coordinator or   employer.
          Professor Michael Cardiff, Chair of the Search   to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For more infor-  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY,
          Committee  at:  The  University   mation about the College, please visit our website:   UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY
          of  Wisconsin-Madison  is  an  equal  opportunity,   The Department of Earth Science at Utah Valley Uni-
          affirmative action employer, and is committed     FACULTY POSITION ORGANIC   versity invites applications for a tenure-track assistant
          to providing  employment  opportunities  to all   BIOGEOCHEMISTRY,    professor position in geology, to begin August 2019.
          qualified applicants without  regard  to  race, color,   AUBURN UNIVERSITY  In our broad search of talented candidates, we seek
          religion,  age,  sex,  sexual  orientation,  gender     As part of a larger investment to create a new Science   a committed educator with expertise in geoscience
          identity, national origin, disability or protected vet-  of Living System Initiative, the Dept. of Geosciences   education, a proven record of effective  pedagogy,
          eran status.                       at Auburn University invites applications for a new   and a passion for teaching lower-division Earth sci-
            Representatives  from  UW-Madison  will  be   tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Organic   ence courses. Expertise in applied geophysics and/or
          available to talk with potential applicants in   Biogeochemistry,  beginning  in  the  Fall  Semester   engineering geology is a plus but is not required. The
          November at the 2018 GSA Annual Meeting     2019. Applicants are expected to hold a Ph.D. in   successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in geology
          in Indianapolis.                   geosciences or a related field at the time employment   or a closely related field at the time of appointment.
            For additional information, please see http://                      Responsibilities will include: 1) designing and teach-
   begins. Specialties may include, but are not limited   ing introductory-level Earth science courses using
                                             to 1) investigating biogeochemical processes occur-
              ONE-YEAR FACULTY FELLOW        ring at or near the Earth’s surface across the broad   various delivery methods (i.e., face-to-face, flipped,
                SEDIMENTARY SYSTEMS,         spectrum of interfaces ranging in scale from global to   hybrid, and online courses); 2) assisting other faculty
                   COLBY COLLEGE             molecular; 2) the role of life in the transformation and   in designing courses and in developing learning
          The Colby College Dept. of Geology invites applica-  evolution of Earth’s biogeochemical cycles; 3) surfi-  activities that follow sound pedagogical principles; 3)
          tions for a one-year faculty fellow specializing in   cial biogeochemical systems and cycles, including   supervising undergraduate research (in science edu-
          sedimentology and stratigraphy or a related field to   their modification through climate change and human   cation and/or a geological discipline); and 4) service
          begin September 1, 2019. The successful candidate   activities; 4) mineralogy and biogeochemistry of earth   to the institution. Other possible responsibilities may
          will  teach  a  sophomore-level  undergraduate  course   materials; 5) geomicrobiology and biomineralization   include participation in our multi-instructor summer
          in sedimentary processes  and  stratigraphy, as well   processes and their applications in environmental   field geology capstone course, development of new
          as introductory geology laboratories and possibly   remediation; and 6) environmental health related to   upper division course(s) in the successful applicant’s
          an introductory non-majors course. Ideal candidates   air, soil, and water pollution. We seek a dynamic indi-  area of expertise, and coordination of curricula design
          will be able to offer field trips to examine sedimen-  vidual who will play a leadership role in propelling   among full-time faculty and adjunct instructors. A

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