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individuals with disabilities are welcome. The full   interests  online  at  address, phone number, and email address) of three
          announcement and instructions on how to apply can   postings/20523.   professional referees. Screening of applications
          be found at: Email:   Questions regarding the position may be directed   will begin November 10, 2018, and may continue
             to: Dr. Joseph Hill, Search Chair (email: geojoe@  until the position is filled. For additional informa-
               TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT; 936-294-1560), Dept. of Geography and   tion  visit  Please
                                                                                contact Dr. Dan Larsen (
                 PROFESSOR, GEOLOGY,         Geology, Box 2148, Sam Houston State University,   if you have any questions.
                  CORNELL COLLEGE            Huntsville, TX 77341-2148.           We will contact qualified applicants to
                                               Applicants selected for the on-campus interview
          The Cornell College Dept. of Geology seeks a   process will be asked to supply transcripts showing   arrange  to  meet  at  the  GSA  Annual  Meeting
          “soft rock” geologist to serve as the third pillar of   appropriate conferred degrees. Official transcripts   in Indianapolis.
          its  geology  faculty  and  to  actively  engage  with  the   will be required for appointment.  The University of Memphis is an affirmative
          college’s  environmental  studies,  archaeology,  and   About SHSU: Sam Houston State University was   action, equal opportunity employer.
          biology programs. The position will begin August   founded in 1879 and named after Texas’ greatest
          2019. Teaching responsibilities include paleontology   hero,  General  Sam Houston.  With  a  total  enroll-  TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT
          and sedimentology/stratigraphy, introductory and   ment of approximately 21,000 students, SHSU is   PROFESSORS, CLIMATE SCIENCE,
          advanced level courses in subjects of the candidate’s   classified  as  a  Doctoral  Research  Institution  by   SURFACE PROCESSES/
          primary interest, a research course, and a course in   the  Carnegie  Commission  on  Higher  Education   GEOMORPHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY
          Geographic Information Systems. The candidate may   and offers 79 undergraduate degree programs, 54   OF ROCHESTER
          also  offer  a field course.  The  successful  candidate   masters programs, and five doctoral programs. The   The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at
          will be a vibrant and dedicated teacher who enjoys   department has approximately 70 geology majors   the University of Rochester will be hiring two tenure-
          working closely with undergraduates and who views   and offers degrees in geology and geoscience. More   track Assistant Professors in the general fields  of
          student-faculty research as a critical component of an   information is available on the department’s website   Climate Science and Surface Processes/Geomorphol-
          effective geology curriculum. The Department main-  at   ogy. While the department welcomes all applicants
          tains a series of endowed funds that provide substan-  Sam Houston State University is an Equal   whose research lies in these general fields, we are
          tial funding to support this student-faculty research as   Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan Employer   particularly interested in candidates who bridge Solid
          well as course-related travel. Cornell College geology   and  Smoke/Drug-Free  Workplace.  All  qualified   Earth and Climate Science disciplines. In Surface Pro-
          faculty emphasize laboratory activities, class discus-  applicants will receive consideration for employ-  cesses/Geomorphology, we encourage interdisciplin-
          sions, field experiences, writing, quantitative literacy,   ment without regard to race, creed, ancestry, mari-  ary applicants who focus on the critical zone between
          and critical thinking in all of their courses. For more     tal status, citizenship, color, religion, sex, national   solid Earth systems and the Earth’s fluid envelopes.
          information  on  the  position  and  how  to  apply,   origin, age, veteran status, disability status, sexual   In Climate Science, we encourage applicants whose
          please visit  orientation, or gender identity. Sam Houston State   research focusses on the Carbon Cycle with emphasis
          jobs/889787.html.                  University is an “at will” employer. Security sensi-  on stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentra-
                                                                                tions, terrestrial carbon-climate feedbacks, linkages
             TENURE-TRACK GROUNDWATER        tive positions at SHSU require background checks in   between carbon and other biogeochemical cycles,
             HYDROGEOLOGY, SAM HOUSTON       accordance with Education Code 51.215.  and connections between physical climate processes
                  STATE UNIVERSITY                 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY,         and carbon dynamics. The start dates of the posi-
          The Dept. of Geography and Geology at Sam Houston   UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS  tions are July 1, 2020 and 2021. We are interested in
          State University invites applications for a full-time,   The Dept. of Earth Sciences at the University of Mem-  dynamic researchers and educators who can establish
          nine-month, tenure-track faculty position in ground-  phis is searching to fill a visiting faculty position in   an  externally  funded,  internationally  recognized
          water hydrogeology beginning August of 2019. A   sedimentary geology with emphasis in stratigraphy   research program. See
          Ph.D. degree in Geology or related Earth Sciences   and paleontology. The position is a 1-semester limited-  for more information about the EES Department. The
          is required. The appointment will be at the Assistant   term appointment to begin on January 14, 2019, with   University of Rochester is a highly ranked research
          Professor level. More experienced candidates may be   possible renewal for the 2019–2020 academic year.   university, and the Rochester area’s cultural, edu-
          considered at the Associate Professor level. The posi-  The Dept. of Earth Sciences is an interdisciplinary   cational,  and  recreational  assets  frequently  place  it
          tion will teach a standard 3-3 load consisting of two   program  in  archaeology,  geography,  and  geology     among the best places to live, work, and raise a family
          sections of an introductory, general education course   that offers B.A., M.A., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in   in the United States. Applicants should submit materi-
          and an upper-division specialty or elective course per   Earth Sciences.   als via:
          semester.                            Applicants must have a Ph.D. from an accredited   Materials include a curriculum vitae, select reprints,
            The ideal candidates will have the interest and   institution in Earth Sciences, Geology or closely   statements of research and teaching goals, and the
          ability to teach Hydrogeology, Environmental Geol-  related field at the time of appointment. Applicants   names and contact information of four references.
          ogy, and serve in a leadership role in the nascent,   must have a demonstrated ability to teach under-  The review of applications will begin December 20,
          interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences degree.   graduate and graduate courses in sedimentary geol-  2018, and will continue until the positions are filled.
          The successful candidate would ideally serve as the   ogy, publish scholarly research, and foster research   The University of Rochester has a strong commitment
          primary advisor/coordinator for the Environmental   opportunities for students. Position responsibilities   to principles of diversity and, in that spirit, actively
          Sciences degree and must have a commitment to a   also include contributing to departmental service   encourages applications from groups underrepre-
          high quality undergraduate teaching program that   needs and conducting outreach activities.  sented in higher education. EOE/ Minorities/ Females/
          values both field and laboratory instruction, involve   Applicants  are  expected  to  effectively  teach   Protected Veterans/ Disabled.
          undergraduate students in research, and the ability   multiple subjects in sedimentary geology and have   ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
          to work with a diverse student body.   excellent written and verbal communication skills.   IN GEOSCIENCE, HYDROGEOLOGY,
            Review of complete applications will begin   Applicants must submit their application   UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON
          December 1, 2018, and will continue until the posi-  through Click   The Dept. of Geoscience invites applications for
          tion is filled. Preference will be given to applicants   on the full-time faculty menu to find the visiting   a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the area of
          who have submitted all required materials listed   faculty position in Earth Sciences posting. Appli-  hydrogeology. In the case of advanced achievement,
          below by that date.                cations must include a letter detailing personal   hiring at the rank of Associate Professor will be
            Application Process: Interested applicants should   qualifications and experience related to the posi-  considered. Research areas of interest include (but
          submit a letter of interest, current vita, contact   tion, a comprehensive curriculum vita, copies or   are not limited to): reactive transport and subsurface
          information for three professional references, and   links to at least two peer-reviewed publications,   biogeochemical processes; use of novel observational
          statements of teaching philosophy and research   and the full names and contact information (the   tools for addressing groundwater issues (e.g., remote

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