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strong commitment to an evidence-based approach to   versity of Texas Arlington to promote and ensure   geology/tectonics, and environmental geoscience.
          teaching and to undergraduate research are necessary.  equal employment opportunity for all individuals   Candidates should demonstrate the potential to be
            For more information, please see https://www.  without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   an outstanding teacher in the liberal arts context, an
 or contact the search com-  origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, dis-  active  scholar  in  their  field,  and  a  contributor  to  a
          mittee co-chairs Alessandro Zanazzi (alessandro.  ability, or veteran status.   vibrant,  student-centered  curriculum  in the Depart-
 and Michael Stearns (mstearns@  PALEONTOLOGY AND     ment and the University. Evidence of effective and
 For those attending, we will meet with   HISTORICALGEOLOGY, FULL-TIME   inclusive pedagogy is essential.
          potential candidates at the 2018 GSA Annual   LECTURER (NON-TENURE-TRACK),   Ideal candidates will have the desire and the abil-
          Meeting in Indianapolis and at the 2018 AGU Fall   TUFTS UNIVERSITY   ity to teach courses at all levels of the curriculum,
          Meeting in Washington DC.          Tufts University invites applications for a full-time   including first-year seminars, and to provide a bal-
            To apply, please visit                    ance of classroom, laboratory, field and research
          ings/9182. Applications deadline: 1/7/19.  lecturer in the Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences to   experiences for our students. Candidates should
                                             begin September 1st 2019. This position is for a 1-year
            Utah Valley University is an Equal Opportu-  initial contract with possibility of continued renewal   have broad interests beyond their specialty. We are
          nity Employer/Veterans/Disabled/Equal Access   of multiyear contracts, and it is included in the union   especially seeking a person who can develop and
          Employer. Utah Valley University is committed to   for full-time lecturers (Service Employees Inter-  teach environmentally-themed courses for both
          an inclusive hiring process and the welcoming of   national Union). The lecturer will teach courses in   majors and non-majors. The teaching assignment
          diverse candidates.                                                   for this position is two lab courses and one non-lab
                                             Paleontology, Historical Geology, their specialty (with
               TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT        a preference for Geographic Information Systems),   course per year. Candidates are encouraged to main-
             PROFESSOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL      and labs for other introductory courses that include   tain a productive research program that involves
                BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, THE         afternoon field trips. Earth and Ocean Sciences is   undergraduate students.
            UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS ARLINGTON    an undergraduate-only program offering degrees in   The successful candidate will have access to the
          The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences at The   Environmental Geology and Geological Sciences.   full range of available faculty development oppor-
                                                                                tunities including teaching, writing, speaking and
          University of Texas Arlington invites applications for   Full details and application materials via Interfolio at   critical thinking workshops, funding for research
          a tenure-track faculty position in broadly construed  and travel to professional conferences, mentoring
          areas related to environmental biogeochemistry at   BATEMAN POSTDOCTORAL   by current faculty members, and summer stipends
          the  level of  Assistant  Professor.  Faculty candidates   FELLOWSHIP, DEPT. OF GEOLOGY &
          for higher ranks with exceptional track records will   GEOPHYSICS, YALE UNIVERSITY  for course development or research with students.
          also be considered. We seek a broadly-trained biogeo-  The Dept. of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Uni-  Department funds are available to support course-
          chemist who complements the interdisciplinary nature   versity ( announces an annual   related field trips during the academic year and
          of our geology and environmental science programs.   competition for a Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship.   field-based  courses  during  our  January  and  May
          While candidates from all sub-disciplines of earth and   We welcome applicants with research interests across   terms.
          environmental sciences are encouraged to apply, we   the full range of disciplines within earth and plan-  Candidates should submit the following mate-
          are particularly interested in candidates with expertise   etary sciences, including studies of geophysics, plan-  rial through Interfolio (http://apply.interfolio.
          in analytical biogeochemistry, biogeochemical data   etary sciences, tectonics, oceans, atmosphere, climate   com/54222):  a  cover  letter,  curriculum  vitae, one-
                                                                                page teaching philosophy,  one-page summary  of
          mining, climate and biogeochemical dynamical or sta-  dynamics, geochemistry, paleoclimatology, geobiol-  research interests, graduate transcripts, and three
          tistical modeling, or the exposome. Opportunities for   ogy, and the evolution of life. The Postdoctoral Asso-  letters of recommendation. In their application
          collaboration exist with departmental research groups   ciate position is awarded for two years, providing a   materials, candidates should demonstrate a commit-
          ( and other research groups   stipend ($60,000/yr) and base research funds ($5,000/  ment to fostering an engagement with a diversity of
          of data science, analytical chemistry, ecology, and   yr), plus health care benefits and limited expenses for
          genomics in the College of Science. Our geochemistry   relocation. Applicants should contact a sponsor in the   ideas and experiences both in the classroom and at
          analytical strengths include the on-campus Shimadzu   Department to discuss potential research projects, and   the University. Review of applications will begin on
          Institute for Research Technologies (http://www.uta.  then submit a short (2-3 page) statement of research   October 22, 2018 and will continue until the posi-
          edu/sirt/).                        interests and proposed research, a curriculum vitae   tion is filled. We will meet with selected candidates,
            Applicants should have a doctoral degree in                         if attending, at the 2018 GSA Annual Meeting in
          earth and environmental sciences or a related field.   with a full list of publications, an endorsement letter   Indianapolis, November 5-7, 2018. Questions may be
                                             from the sponsoring faculty member, and three con-
          Successful candidates are expected to demonstrate   fidential letters of reference. Applications should be   directed to the search committee chair, Dr. Frederick
          a commitment to diversity and equity in education   submitted online at   M. Soster, at
                                                                                  DePauw University is an equal opportunity/affir-
          through their scholarship, teaching, and/or service.   The deadline for receipt of all application materials   mative action employer; women, members of under-
          We are deeply committed to increasing diversity and   is December 15, 2018, and successful candidates   represented groups, and persons with disabilities are
          especially encourage applications from women and   are expected to begin their program at Yale between   encouraged to apply.
          minority scholars.                 July 1 and December 31, 2019. Yale University is an
            Review of applications will begin immediately                              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR,
          and continue until the position is filled. For full   Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity  employer.   SOLID EARTH GEOPHYSICS,
                                             Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and
          consideration, applications should be submitted by   faculty and strongly welcomes applications from   OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
          November 16th, 2018. Applicants must apply online   women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans,   The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sci-
          at A   and underrepresented minorities.  ences (CEOAS) at Oregon State University in Corval-
          complete application includes: 1) curriculum vitae,                   lis, Oregon invites applications for an early career
          2) summary of current and proposed research (max.   TWO-YEAR TEACHING   geophysicist with a research focus in at least one of the
          two pages), 3) statement of teaching interests (max.   POST-DOCTORAL POSITION,   following areas: near-surface/environmental geophys-
          one page), and 4) names and email addresses of three   MINERALOGY/PETROLOGY,   ics, crust and mantle processes, tectonics, volcanology,
          references.                                DEPAUW UNIVERSITY          marine geophysics, hydrogeophysics, natural hazard
            Question regarding this position may be directed   DePauw University invites applications for a two-  characterization and mitigation, and natural resource
          via email to Dr. Max Hu, Search Committee Chair   year teaching post-doctoral position in the Dept. of   exploration. The successful candidate will be a field-
          ( or Dr. Arne Winguth, Depart-  Geosciences beginning August 2019. We are seeking   oriented colleague who has a deep understanding of
          ment Chair (     a broadly-trained geoscientist with specialties in Min-  the  underlying  geological  and  physical  principles.
            As an equal employment opportunity and affir-  eralogy and/or Petrology to complement our existing   This is a full-time (nine-month) tenure track assistant
          mative action employer, it is the policy of The Uni-  strengths in sedimentology/stratigraphy, structural   professor anticipated to begin September 2019. Duties

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