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include teaching lower- and upper-division courses in   strengths in remote sensing, planetary geology, seis-  Climatology, as well as M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
          the undergraduate Earth Sciences program, graduate   mology, magnetism, and tectonics, and who have the   Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Additional infor-
          courses in their specialty, and to mentor undergradu-  potential to mentor graduate student research in the   mation about our department can be found on our
          ate and graduate students. The successful candidate    Geology M.S. program.   web site:
          is also expected to develop a vibrant, externally   Applications must include (1) a detailed cover   To apply, go to
          funded research program and to provide service to   letter describing the applicant’s background and   ings/60181 and complete the “faculty/administrative
          the College and University. Requirements include a     addressing the required and preferred qualifications,   form”. Applicants must attach a cover letter, cur-
          PhD  by  the start  of  employment  in Geophysics,    (2) a statement of philosophy and interest in teach-  riculum vitae, statements of research and teaching
          Geology, or a closely related discipline and the abil-  ing, (3) a statement outlining proposed research   interests, and names of at least three references via
          ity  to  contribute to  teaching excellence.  Preference    plans, specifically addressing plans for student   the above website. We will begin to review applica-
          will be given to candidates with a demonstrable    involvement in both departments, (4) a statement   tions on November 23, but the position will remain
          commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity. To    detailing how teaching, service and/or scholarship   open until it is filled.
          review the complete announcement and to submit   has prepared the applicant to support the success   As an EO/AA employer, qualified applicants are
          application documents see https://jobs.oregonstate.  of students with backgrounds or identities that are   considered for employment without regard to race,
          edu/, posting #P02429UF. For full consideration apply   underrepresented in STEM fields, (5) unofficial tran-  color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy,
          by December 1, 2018.               scripts of undergraduate and graduate course work,   sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disabil-
                                             and (6) a full curriculum vitae including the names,   ity, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital
                ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF       addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers   status, and/or political affiliation. See http://www.
             GEOSCIENCES, SMITH COLLEGE      of three professional references. Do not send letters
          The Dept. of Geosciences at Smith College invites   of recommendation; they will be requested only for   For further information, contact Dr. Richard Ket-
          applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of   semi-finalists. Review of applications will begin on   tler, Search Committee Chair by email, phone, or
          Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 2019. Candidates   November 30, 2018, and the position will remain   mail at:, 1-402-472-0882; Dept.
          should have a strong foundation in “hard rock” geol-  open until filled. All application materials must be   of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of
          ogy, and we are especially interested in applicants   uploaded as a single pdf to: Assistant Professor of   Nebraska-Lincoln, 126 Bessey Hall, Lincoln NE
          with expertise in and/or who can teach courses   Planetary Science [  68588-0340.
          in mineral resources and sustainability. Teaching   en-us/job/496058/assistant-professor-of-planetary-
          responsibilities for this position will regularly include   science ]. Inquiries may be addressed to the search   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR,
          mineralogy and petrology, and other courses in the   committee chair, Dr. Melissa Rice, at melissa.rice@  HYDROGEOSCIENTIST,
          candidate’s field of specialization. The successful can- or (360) 650-3592.   WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY
          didate is also expected to establish an active research   Western Washington University is a is a public   The West Virginia University Dept. of Geology &
          program and to engage undergraduate students  in   university with over 15,000 students in Bellingham,   Geography invites applications for a tenure-track
          their scholarship. A Ph.D. in Geosciences is expected   WA, centrally located between Seattle, WA and   position in geology at the Assistant Professor (Job
          by the time of appointment. Candidates from groups   Vancouver, B.C. in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.   No. 09825) level starting in August 2019. A Ph.D. or
          underrepresented in STEM are strongly encouraged   The Dept. of Physics and Astronomy offers a B.S.   equivalent degree in Geoscience or a broadly related
          to apply. Details about the Dept. of Geosciences   degree in physics and a B.A. degree in math/phys-  field is required at the time of appointment. We seek
          may be found at  ics education. The Geology department offers B.S.   applications from individuals with interests in basic
          geosciences. For more information and to apply, visit   degrees in geophysics and geology, and a M.S.   and applied aspects of water science. The success-
 Review of appli-  degree in geology. More information can be found   ful applicant will possess demonstrable expertise
          cations will begin on November 1. We will accept    at and https://cse.wwu.  applicable to competitively funded research problems.
          applications until December 10, 2018. EO/AA/Vet/  edu/geology.        Relevant specialties might include physical hydrogeol-
                                                                                ogy; fluid flow modeling; hyporheic or vadose zone
          Disability Employer.                 WWU is an AA/EO employer.        processes; groundwater-surface water interaction;
               TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT               ASSISTANT PROFESSOR         flow in fractured media; hydrogeology of energy-
                 PROFESSOR POSITION,             OF EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC       related activities; groundwater supply and sustain-
           WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY          SCIENCES (HYDROGEOLOGY/       ability; contaminant transport; watershed dynamics;
          The Dept. of Physics/Astronomy and the Geology   GROUNDWATER MODELING),   ecohydrology; or karst hydrogeology.
          Dept. at Western Washington University invite   UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA–LINCOLN  Candidates will be evaluated based on their
          applications for a tenure-track assistant professor of   Applications are invited for a tenure track position   potential to establish a vigorous externally funded
          planetary science position, split evenly between both   as Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Earth and   research program, publish scholarly work, mentor
          departments with Physics/Astronomy as the admin-  Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska–  graduate students, and to teach at the undergraduate
          istrative home department, starting September 2019.   Lincoln. The position forms part of a cluster hire   and graduate levels, including a junior-senior level
          Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in geophysics, physics,   (Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitiga-  physical hydrogeology course.
          geology, astronomy or closely related field by time     tion) that involves multiple departments in the College   Research on fresh water resources is a strategic
          of appointment.                    of Arts and Sciences. The successful candidate will   focus at WVU, as demonstrated by a newly estab-
            A successful applicant will be expected to pursue   be expected to participate in teaching and curricular   lished interdisciplinary Institute of Water Security
          an externally-supported research program in plan-  development of undergraduate and graduate courses,   and Science (, a National
          etary science that will actively involve undergradu-  to advise and direct graduate students, and to develop   Science Foundation funded multi-state Appalachian
          ate students. Post-doctoral research or equivalent   a  rigorous  research  program  that  is  supported  by   Freshwater Initiative (
          experience is strongly preferred. Candidates should   external funding. It is expected that the research   ects/appalachian-freshwater-initiative), and many
          also have the potential for teaching excellence at   program will focus on relationships between the   other  water  focus  areas  located  in  WVU  colleges
          all levels of the undergraduate curriculum in the   hydrosphere and climate. The ability to contribute to   and centers.
          physics and geophysics program. Experience in   multidisciplinary water and climate research efforts in   WVU ( is a comprehensive
          teaching undergraduate STEM courses and interest   the department and college will be considered as an   land-grant university that enrolls 29,000 students.
          in the use of student-centered teaching techniques is   advantage. The candidate should demonstrate strong   It is classified as “highest research activity” by the
          preferred. Candidates must demonstrate ability and   potential for research and teaching and must hold a   Carnegie Foundation. WVU is located in Morgan-
          commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion,   Ph.D. in Geology, Hydrogeology, or a related field at   town (, ranked as
          as well as excellent communication and interper-  the time of appointment.  a most preferred small city in America. The immedi-
          sonal skills. Preference will be given to candidates   The Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences   ate region has a diverse population of about 200,000
          whose research specialization complements existing   offers B.S. degrees in Geology and Meteorology-  residents. The community lies within a high technol-
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