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ogy corridor that includes several federal research   To learn more about Dartmouth College and the   within the College of Science, EAPS draws students
          facilities, as well as resource-based industries. The   Dept. of Earth Sciences, visit http://www.dartmouth.  from a variety of STEM backgrounds. We offer 4
          city is readily accessible to Pittsburgh and Washing-  edu/~earthsci  years of guaranteed financial support and a variety
          ton, DC.                             To submit an application, upload a cover let-  of fellowships. Students with demonstrated aca-
            To apply for this position, visit https://careers.  ter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and   demic and research excellence are invited to explore
, navigate to the position title listed above,   research  interests  and  objectives,  reprints or  pre-  funded opportunities at http://www.eaps.purdue.
          and submit (1) a single PDF file including a state-  prints of up to three(3) of your most significant   edu/gradresearch. Come see our booth at GSA
          ment of research interests, a statement of teaching   publications, and the name, address (including street   and AGU.
          philosophy, and a current curriculum vitae; (2)   address), e-mail address and fax/phone numbers of
          a list of names and e-mail addresses for at least     at least three(3) references to: http://apply.interfolio.
          three individuals who can provide prompt let-  com/53423
          ters of recommendation; and (3) pdf files of up to    Application review will begin November 1, 2018
          four publications.                 and continue until the position is filled. Applicants
            Review of applications will commence on   must hold a PhD or be ABD with degree anticipated
          December 3, 2018 and continue until the position is   by July 1, 2019.        Hiring?
          filled. For additional information, please see http://  Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/affir-
 or contact search chair   mative action employer with a strong commitment to
          Steve Kite at WVU is an   diversity and inclusion. We prohibit discrimination   Don’t miss the Employers’ Special
          EEO/Affirmative Action Employer and welcomes   on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national   Section for GSA 2018 Indianapolis at
          applications from all qualified individuals, includ-  origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expres-
          ing minorities, females, individuals with disabilities,   sion, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any   the top of the page on the Geoscience
          and veterans.                      other legally protected status. Applications by mem-  Job Board (
                                             bers of all underrepresented groups are encouraged.
                 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                                               Find those qualified geoscientists to
                 AND GEOCHEMISTRY,           Opportunities for Students           fill vacancies. Use print issues of GSA
                 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE           Graduate Student Opportunities at Case Western   Today and GSA’s Geoscience Job
          The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College   Reserve University.  Students with backgrounds in   Board ( Bundle
          invites applications for a tenure- track assistant   geology, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and
          professor of mineralogy and geochemistry. Par-  related fields are encouraged to apply for our Ph.D.   and save for best pricing options.
          ticular attention will be given to candidates with   and MS programs in Earth, Environmental, and Plan-  That unique candidate is waiting
          research interests in applied mineralogy related to   etary Sciences. Areas of active research in the Depart-  to be found.
          mineral-microbe or  water- rock interactions.  We   ment include planetary geology and geodynamics,
          are especially interested in candidates who focus   planetary materials, high-pressure mineral physics
          on understanding fundamental processes through a   and geochemistry, core and mantle processes, sedi-
          state-of-the-art field and laboratory research program   mentary geology, and sediment transport. For more
          that provides synergy with existing research activities   information, please visit or write
          within the department and elsewhere at Dartmouth,   to Financial assistance is
          including the Department’s core research areas:     available. Application deadline: 1/15/2019.
          earth and planetary evolution, surface processes,
          and ice and climate systems. The successful candi-  Graduate Student Positions at Clemson Univer-
          date will continue Dartmouth’s strong traditions in   sity.  Clemson University Dept. of Environmental
          graduate and undergraduate research and teaching.   Engineer and Earth Sciences seeks enthusiastic
          Teaching responsibilities consist of three courses   students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in the
          spread over four ten-week terms. One or more of these   areas of tectonics, sediment transport and applied
          courses will have a core focus on the fundamentals of   geochronology. The ideal candidates will possess
          mineralogy.                        a M.S. in geology. A strong foundation and prior
            The Dept. of Earth Sciences is home to 11 tenured   research in the above-mentioned areas of interest
          and tenure-track faculty members in the School of   along with statistical analysis would be beneficial.
          Arts and Sciences and enjoys strong Ph.D. and M.S.   Possible research topics include, but are not limited
          programs and outstanding undergraduate majors. To   to, provenance analysis of Cenozoic continent-scale
          create an atmosphere supportive of research, Dart-  fluvial systems and Pliocene–Pleistocene loess in
          mouth College offers new faculty members grants   North and South America. Outstanding applicants
          for research-related expenses, a quarter of sabbatical   will be offered support in the form of a research and/
          leave  for  each  three  academic  years  in  residence,   or teaching assistantship. Students offered an assis-
          and flexible scheduling of teaching responsibilities.   tantship are expected to start Fall 2019. Interested
          Dartmouth College has undergraduate and gradu-  geoscientists should contact Dr. Alex Pullen (apul-
          ate student populations that are diverse by many;
          measures. We seek applicants with a record of suc-  departments/eees/people/facultydirectory/pullen.
          cessful teaching and mentoring of students from   html) this fall to discuss opportunities.
          all backgrounds (including first-generation college
          students, low-income students, racial and ethnic   Graduate Research Opportunities at Purdue.
          minorities, women, LGBTQ, etc.). Dartmouth pro-  The Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary
          vides opportunities to participate in undergraduate   Sciences (EAPS) at Purdue University is looking for
          diversity initiatives in STEM research, such as our   enthusiastic and self-motivated graduate students for
          Women in Science Program, E. E. Just STEM Schol-  a variety of research projects in Geology and Geo-
          ars Program, and Academic Summer Undergraduate   physics, and Planetary, Environmental, and Atmo-
          Research Experience (ASURE).       spheric Sciences. As a multidisciplinary department

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