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           bon sequestration, and geologic mapping   Assistant Professor of Instruction,   cations in top-ranked and  field  relevant journals
          • Build relationships with global federal and state   Mineralogy/Petrology, University of   or forthcoming publications meeting high interna-
           agencies, industry, foundations, NGOs, and inter-  Akron             tional standards, the submitted research statement,
           national groups that will ensure that new program   The  Department  of Geosciences, University of   presentations  at  significant conferences,  awards
           opportunities are created and funded  Akron, Ohio, has an opening for a non-tenure   and accolades and strong endorsements from refer-
          • Manage staffing and scheduling; coordinate with   track position in mineralogy/petrology (job#   ees of high standing.
           administrators and project PI’s to ensure that   11999). Candidates must possess a Ph.D. (or ABD   The candidate must also show a strong commit-
           projects are on schedule, on budget, and research   with a previously earned master’s in geosciences)   ment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate
           groups are collaborating appropriately  in the geosciences and have the ability to teach   level teaching. Evidence of excellence in teaching
          •  Represent  the  Bureau  at  conferences  and  UT   mineralogy, petrology, introductory-level earth   will be demonstrated by teaching accomplishments,
           meetings.                         science and summer Geology Field Camp courses.   the teaching dossier, the teaching statement, sample
            Required Qualifications. Advanced degree with   For complete required and preferred qualifica-  course materials, and teaching evaluations, or other
          major course work in the field of earth science.   tions and to apply visit:  evidence of superior performance in teaching-
          Ph.D. with minimum of 12 years work experience,   jobs. When completing the application attach: (1)   related activities submitted as part of the applica-
          or master’s degree with minimum 17 years experi-  a CV; (2) a brief statement of teaching philoso-  tion, as well as strong endorsements by referee.
          ence, in a field related to the Bureau’s core areas   phy that describes your pedagogical approaches   Other teaching-related activities include perfor-
          of environmental research, as per responsibilities   and how your teaching and research experiences   mance as a teaching assistant or course instructors,
          outlined above. Excellent management, admin-  will contribute to the growth and success of the   experience leading successful workshops or semi-
          istrative, leadership and organizational abilities.   department; (3) unofficial transcripts; (4) contact   nars, student mentorship, or excellent conference
          Previous experience as a successful leader of major   information  for  at  least  3  references.  Review of   presentations or posters. Primary teaching respon-
          research programs. Acknowledged contributions in   applications will begin January 14, 2020. Ques-  sibilities may include any sub-disciplines within
          one or more aspects of environmental research. Rel-  tions can be directed to John Peck at  jpeck@  petrology, mineralogy, and high-temperature-
          evant education and experience may be substituted The University of Akron is an equal   geochemistry as well as introductory-level courses
          as appropriate.                    education and employment institution committed   within the broader field of Earth sciences. In addi-
            Preferred Qualifications. Proven record of   to affirmative action. It is university policy that   tion, field-based courses will be integral parts of the
          research and leadership, preferably related to the   there shall be no unlawful discrimination.  teaching assignments.
          Bureau’s core areas of environmental research.                          Salary will be commensurate with qualifications
          Demonstrated ability to attract and administer   Assistant Professor, Igneous   and experience.
          external funds from a variety of sources, including   Petrology or High-Temperature   All qualified candidates are invited to apply
          federal agencies, state and local governments, and  Geochemistry, University of Toronto  online by clicking the link below. Applicants must
          industry. A strong record of research publication   The Department of Earth Sciences [https://www .es   submit a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae,
          and presentations. Evidence of innovation and abil-] in the Faculty of Arts and Science at   a research statement outlining current and future
          ity to think creatively.           the University of Toronto invites applications for a   research interests, up to three sample papers, and
            Salary Range. $180,000 + depending on quali-  full-time tenure stream position in the area of igne-  teaching  dossier to  include  a  statement  of teach-
          fications.                         ous petrology or high-temperature geochemistry,   ing philosophy and experience (3-5 pages for each
            About the Bureau of Economic Geology. Estab-  particularly (but not exclusively) related to mineral   statement), sample course materials, teaching
          lished in 1909, the Bureau of Economic Geology in   deposits research. The appointment will be at the   evaluations, or evidence of superior performance
          the Jackson School of Geosciences is the oldest and   rank of Assistant Professor, and will commence on   in other teaching-related activities as listed above.
          second-largest organized research unit at The Uni-  July 1, 2020, or shortly thereafter.  Applicants must also arrange to have three letters
          versity of Texas at Austin. The Bureau is the State   Applicants must have earned a Ph.D. degree in   of reference sent directly by the referee by email (on
          Geological Survey of Texas, and conducts basic and   geology or a related area by the time of the appoint-  letterhead and signed) to
          applied research around the world focusing on the   ment, or shortly thereafter, with a demonstrated   The application materials and letters of reference
          intersection of energy, the environment, and the   record of excellence in research and teaching. The   must be received by December 16, 2019.
          economy. The Bureau partners with federal, state,   University of Toronto has an outstanding interna-  Submission guidelines can be found at  http://
          and local agencies, academic institutions, industry,   tional reputation for research in the Earth Sciences. We recommend combining
          nonprofit organizations, and foundations to conduct   We seek candidates in any dynamic and evolving   attached documents into one or two files in PDF/
          high-quality research and disseminate the results to   sub-discipline of igneous petrology or high-tem-  MS word format. If you have any questions about
          the scientific and engineering communities as well   perature geochemistry, and specifically application   this position, please contact Ampy Tolentino at
          as to the broad public. The Bureau provides tech-  of the research to the study of economic geology or
          nical, educational, and publicly accessible infor-  ore deposits will be an asset. The successful candi-  The University of Toronto is strongly committed
          mation via a myriad of media forms to Texas, the   date’s research program will further complement   to diversity within its community and especially
          nation, and the world.             and develop the Department’s strengths [https://  welcomes applications from racialized persons/
            Talented people are the Bureau’s formula for suc-]   persons  of  colour,  women,  Indigenous/Aboriginal
          cess. Our staff of over 250 includes scientists, engi-  in understanding Earth materials through novel   People of North America, persons with disabilities,
          neers, economists, graduate students and support   empirical, experimental, analytical and/or theo-  LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to
          staff, representing 27 countries, often working in   retical approaches. The successful candidate will   the further diversification of ideas
          integrated, multi-disciplinary research teams. The   be expected to pursue innovative and independent   As part of your application, you will be asked to
          Bureau’s facilities and state-of-the-art equipment   research  at  the  highest  international  level  and  to   complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is
          include more than fifteen individual laboratories   establish an outstanding, competitive and externally   voluntary. Any information directed related to you
          hosting researchers investigating everything from   funded research program. The Department houses a   is  confidential  and  cannot  be  accessed  by  search
          nanoparticles to basin-scale phenomena.   collection [] of   committees or human resources staff. Results will
            To apply and for more information, please go to   modern experimental and analytical facilities which   be aggregated for institutional planning purposes.
             the successful candidate would have an opportunity   For more information, please see
            The search will remain open until filled. Please   to take advantage of and further develop.   All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply,
          direct queries to the search committee chair, Mark   Candidates must provide evidence of research   however, Canadians and permanent residents will
          Shuster at  excellence as demonstrated by a record of publi-  be given priority.

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