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          equal opportunity employment, compensation, and   tion on the basis of sex in an institution’s education   courses in the candidate’s area of expertise. Demon-
          other terms and conditions of employment without   programs and activities. Questions regarding Title   strated experience with data collection and analysis
          discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, color,   IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX coordinator   using  modern  instrumentation is expected.  Pre-
          religion, disability, national origin, gender identity   or to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For more   ferred qualifications include demonstrated success
          or expression, sexual orientation, veteran or mili-  information about the College, please visit our web-  with external funding, established ties to research
          tary service member status, marital status, domes-  site:  institutions, industry or government agencies and
          tic violence victim status, genetic predisposition or   Assistant Professor, Earth Materials,   interest in developing intradepartmental and cross-
          carrier status, or arrest and/or criminal conviction   School of the Environment,   campus collaborations. At Cal Poly Pomona we cul-
          record unless based upon a bona fide occupational                     tivate student and faculty success through a diverse
          qualification or other exception.  Washington State University        culture of experiential learning, discovery, and
                                             The School of the Environment at Washington
          One-Year Visiting Assistant Professor,   State University invites applications for an Assis-  innovation. Cal Poly Pomona is committed to being
                                                                                the model for an inclusive polytechnic university
          Paleoclimate/Global Change, Colby   tant Professor in Earth Materials, to begin August   that inspires creativity and innovation, embraces
          College, Waterville, Maine         2020, with an emphasis in petrology, mineralogy,   local and global challenges, and transforms lives.
          The Colby College Department of Geology invites   volcanology, magmatic processes, or tectonic pro-  The position is open until filled. First consideration
          applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Pro-  cesses. The candidate will take a leadership role   will be given to completed applications received no
          fessor specializing in paleoclimate, paleoceanogra-  in developing and funding research initiatives   later than December 30, 2019. Full position descrip-
          phy, global environmental change, or a related field   that take advantage of WSU’s Peter Hooper Geo-  tion and application procedure:  http://www.cpp
          to begin September 1, 2020. The successful candi-  Analytical Laboratory and the Radiogenic Isotope   .edu/~faculty-affairs/open-positions/.
          date will teach a sophomore-level undergraduate   and Geochronology Laboratory, which maintain   Igneous Petrology, Western
          course on Earth’s climate and paleoclimate his-  state-of-the art capabilities in whole rock and
          tory with a lab, as well as an introductory geology   micro-scale major and trace element analysis,   Washington University
          course and an upper-level elective in their area of   geochronology, and radiogenic and stable isotope   The Geology Department at Western Washing-
          specialty (a total of four course equivalents). Our   geochemistry. Lab facilities include current gen-  ton University (WWU) invites applications for a
          ideal candidate will be able to offer both field- and   eration electron microprobe, X-ray fluorescence,   tenure-track, assistant professor position with spe-
          lab-based study of past environmental change in   inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer,   cialty in Igneous Petrology to begin Sept 16, 2020.
          Maine to give students hands-on experience with   and  laser  ablation facilities (https://environment   We seek individuals who are enthusiastic about
          paleoclimate research. The successful candidate   teaching and who will establish a vigorous research
          will have access to instrumentation and facilities   The successful candidate will: (i) develop an   program, and are particularly interested in those
          in the Departments of Geology and Chemistry for   externally funded research program; (ii) publish   who will combine field and analytical, experimen-
          research and teaching. These include a powder-  research in top quality journals; (iii) teach under-  tal or modeling approaches in their research, and
          XRD, micro-XRF, SEM-EDS, CHNSO Elemental   graduate and graduate courses in Earth Materials;   who will involve undergraduate and Masters-level
          Analyzer, ICP-OES,  petrographic  and binocular   (iv) mentor graduate students; (v) take a leadership   students in their research.
                                                                                  The ideal candidate will enhance our existing
                                             role in the GeoAnalytical Laboratory; (vi) work
          microscopes, and sediment-sieving equipment. The   with faculty and mentor students from a wide range
          search committee is especially interested in candi-  of backgrounds; and (vii) serve university and pro-  strengths in geoscience teaching and research by
          dates with a demonstrated ability to teach and men-                   developing new courses and research avenues in
          tor a diverse student population. A Ph.D. at the time   fessional organizations. To learn more and apply,   igneous petrology. Broad areas of interest include,
          of appointment is preferred, but ABD candidates   visit:  but are not limited to, the timescales of magmatic
          will be considered.                  WSU is an EO/AA Educator and Employer.  processes, the evolution of the continental crust,
            Complete applications will include: (1) a brief  Tenure Track Assistant Professor,   mantle, oceanic lithosphere/ocean island/mid-ocean
          cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a statement   Remote Sensing/Geospatial   ridge processes, the recycling of elements and vola-
                                                                                tiles within arc  magmas  and subduction  systems,
          of  teaching philosophy  illustrating  commitment   Technology, California State   and links between tectonic and magmatic processes.
          to diversity and inclusive teaching, and (4) three   Polytechnic University, Pomona  For details about the position, application infor-
          confidential letters of recommendation. Please sub-  The Geological Sciences Department at California   mation and instructions, go to the WWU Employ-
          mit all materials via Interfolio at:  apply.interfolio   State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly   ment website
          .com/69710. Applications received by January 6,   Pomona), invites applications for a tenure-track,   job/497184/assistant-professor-of-igneous-petrology.
          2020 will receive full consideration, but applica-  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR  position, beginning   Review of applications begins December 15, 2019
          tions will be reviewed until the position is filled.   in the 2020–2021 academic year. We invite appli-  and continues until position is filled. Please contact
          Inquiries may also be directed to paleoclimate20@  cations from geoscientists whose research incor-  the search committee chair, Susan DeBari (debari@
                         porates data from ground-based remote sensing for questions about this position.
            Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts col-  or observations from unmanned aerial vehicles or
          lege that admits students and makes employment   satellites, and the position is open to a broad range   Assistant Professor, Geology—
          decisions on the basis of the individual’s qualifica-  of research specializations, such as natural hazards,   Marine and Coastal Science,
          tions to contribute to Colby’s educational objectives   active tectonics,  environmental  geoscience,  and/  Western Washington University
          and institutional needs. Colby College does not dis-  or climate change. A Ph.D. in geology, geophys-  The Geology Department and the Marine and
          criminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual   ics, environmental geoscience or a directly related   Coastal Science (MACS) program at Western
          orientation, gender identity or expression, disabil-  science or engineering discipline is required. The   Washington University (WWU) invite applications
          ity, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, mari-  successful candidate will have the potential for   for two tenure-track, assistant professor positions
          tal status, genetic information, or veteran’s status in   excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching,   with specialties in one of three fields:
          employment or in our educational programs. Colby   and  for  developing  an  externally-funded  research   Coastal Geomorphology/Coastal Geohazards.
          is an Equal Opportunity employer, committed to   program that will involve undergraduate and mas-  The ideal candidate will enhance our existing
          excellence through diversity, and encourages appli-  ter’s students. Teaching responsibilities will typi-  strengths in geoscience teaching and research by
          cations from qualified persons of color, women,   cally include a mix of geoscience  courses at the   developing new courses  and  research avenues  in
          persons with disabilities, military veterans and   lower division, upper division, and graduate levels,   coastal geomorphology, coastal tectonics and geo-
          members of other under-represented groups. Colby   and will incorporate classes in Geographic Infor-  hazards. Broad areas of interest include, but are
          complies with Title IX, which prohibits discrimina-  mation Systems, Remote Sensing or other specialty   not limited to, coastal erosion and sediment trans-

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