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          Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office   raphy, paleogeography, biogeochemistry, carbon   between physical processes and societal impacts
          no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the   cycles and proxies, the role of tectonics in building   are particularly encouraged to apply. The deadline
          issue in which they are to be published. (Note: Combined   the sedimentary record, source to sink processes,   for applications is 12/16/19. Applicants should visit
          March/April issue releases on March schedule.) Print ads will
          also appear on the Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the   and coastal evolution. The research of successful for sub-
          month of print issue. Contact:,   applicants may concentrate on either chemical or   mission instructions.
          +1-800-472-1988 ext. 1053, or +1-303-357-1053. Email corre-  clastic sedimentary rocks and may use data from   Northwestern University is an Affirmative
          spondence should include complete contact information   outcrops, cores, modern environments, the subsur-  Action Employer, and is committed to fostering a
          (including phone and mailing address). Rates are in U.S. dollars.
                                             face, or experimental or modeling studies. Integra-  diverse faculty.
                                  Per line each
                         Per Line for   addt’l month   tion of geophysical data, petrographic observations,   Faculty Positions at the Department
          Classification   1st month   (same ad)  and facies analysis is particularly encouraged.
          Positions Open   $9.35    $9.30      The successful candidates will be expected to   of Geosciences, National Taiwan
          Fellowship Opportunities   $9.35   $9.30  build active collaborations within and outside the   University
          Opportunities for Students                                            The Department of Geosciences at the National
              First 25 lines   FREE   $5.00  university, to develop internationally recognized,   Taiwan University (NTU) is seeking active scien-
             Additional lines   $5.00   $5.00  externally funded research programs, to teach grad-
                                             uate and undergraduate level courses that bridge   tists to fill two to three faculty positions starting
                                                                                from August 1st, 2020. The positions are open to
                  POSITIONS OPEN             theory and practical applications in the geosciences,   candidates from all fields in geosciences, but those
                                             and to use their research to enhance experiential   who  have  strong  background  in  the  fields  of  (1)
          Assistant Professor of Environmental   learning at UH.                structural and field geology; (2) sedimentology
          Studies, The University of the South  The University of Houston is an equal oppor-  and stratigraphy; (3)  mineralogy  and  petrology;
          The Department of Earth and Environmental Sys-  tunity/affirmative  action  employer.  Minorities,   and (4) geological resources or hydro- and applied
                                             women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are
          tems at The University of the South in Sewanee,   encouraged to apply.  geology will receive more favorable consideration.
          Tenn., seeks a tenure-track professor at the assistant                Applicants  are  requested  to  send  the  following
          level with demonstrated talent for teaching and an   The University of Houston is responsive to the   documents: CV, list of publications, statements of
          expertise in Environmental Studies.  needs of dual career couples. Furthermore, we   teaching and research interests, copies of diploma
            The standard teaching load is five courses per   welcome candidates whose experience in teach-  and transcript, names and contact information of
          year. Candidates should be enthusiastic about devel-  ing, research, or community service has prepared   three referees, and three to five articles published
          oping a teaching and research program in the con-  them to contribute to our commitment to diversity   within the recent seven years (one of which needs
          text of the liberal arts tradition in education.  and excellence. More information about the depart-  to be designated as representative paper and must
            Expertise in climate change,  sustainable land   ment can be found at  be published after August 1st, 2015). Application
          use, food production systems, watersheds, environ-  earth-atmospheric/. Candidates must have a Ph.D.   materials should be sent by email to Professor J.
          mental health, energy or other areas that comple-  or equivalent in earth science or a related field at   Bruce H. Shyu, the Chair of the Searching Com-
          ment or expand the existing strengths of the faculty   the time of the appointment.  mittee, at
          are desirable. Applicants must have their Ph.D. in   Review of applications will begin on October   Deadline for application: January 5th, 2020.
          hand by the time of appointment.   31st, 2019, and continue until the positions are   For more information, please refer to the website:
            Review of applications will begin January 5, 2020.  filled. Candidates should submit: (1) a statement
            Send a letter of application, curriculum vitae,   of  teaching  and  research  interests,  (2)  a  curricu-  NTU  ranks in  the  top  100  universities  world-
          statements of teaching and research interests, tran-  lum vitae, (3) a list of at least three possible refer-  wide (QS 2019), and Taipei was recently named
          scripts (unofficial accepted), and three letters of   ences and their contact information. Applications   the World’s Friendliest and Safest City for Expats
          reference through the online application portal at:   should  be  submitted  online  through  https://jobs   (InterNations 2018). Within Taipei there is easy
 A background check is required prior to   access, through a world class transit system, to a
            The University of the South comprises a well-  interviewing. Questions about these positions may   vibrant city life and to numerous outdoor activities
          regarded College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and   be directed to search committee chair Julia Wellner   such as hiking, snorkeling, fishing, and mountain
          a distinguished School of Theology. It is an institu-  (  biking. The Department of Geosciences  offers a
          tion of the Episcopal Church that welcomes individ-  Notes to Applicant: Official transcripts are   dynamic and supportive working environment
          uals of all backgrounds. The University is located   required for a faculty appointment and will be   with a wide range of state-of-the-art research facili-
          on a striking, 13,000-acre campus on Tennessee’s   requested upon selection of the final candidate. All   ties. Generous start-up funding is available for new
          Cumberland Plateau.                positions at the University of Houston are security   faculty members.
            The University of the South is an equal oppor-  sensitive and will require a criminal history check.
          tunity educational institution that is committed to   Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor   Associate Director, Environmental
          creating  and  maintaining  a  diverse  and  inclusive   Geophysics, Northwestern University  Division, Bureau of Economic Geology
          campus environment.                Individuals are invited to submit applications to   The Bureau of Economic Geology (Bureau) in the
                                                                                Jackson School at The University of Texas at Austin
          Three Positions in Sedimentary     our open tenure-track faculty position at the rank   seeks a highly talented individual to lead its Envi-
          Geology, University of Houston     of  Assistant  Professor in  the  field of  geophys-  ronmental Research Division.
          The  University  of  Houston  Department  of  Earth   ics, broadly considered. We seek a scholar whose   Responsibilities
          and Atmospheric Sciences invites applications for   expertise and creativity will complement and   • Serve as part of a small, integrated administrative
          three tenure-track positions in the general field of   expand the Department’s strengths. Area(s) of   team of Directors
          sedimentary geology. Hiring will be at the assistant   specialization within solid-Earth, environmental   • Set vision for and manage and grow the Environ-
          professor level with up to one hire at the associate   or planetary geophysics are open and may include   mental Division staff of approximately 50 staff
          professor level. Experience and qualifications will   any aspect of geodesy, seismology, dynamic topog-  • Create and pursue a vision for multidisciplinary
          be used to determine the appropriate title of assis-  raphy, geophysical fluid dynamics, hazards, cli-  environmental research
          tant or associate. This is a cluster hire that will focus   mate, or planetary science across spatiotemporal   • Work with Principal Investigators (PI’s) to develop
          on interpretation of records of changing environ-  scales. Applicants are likely to employ emerging   sources of funding for existing and new multidis-
          ments on Earth’s surface.          technologies in remote sensing, machine learn-  ciplinary  programs  in  the  areas  of  sustainable
            We are particularly interested in researchers with   ing, numerical methods, and/or field instrumenta-  water resources, coastal geology, natural hazards,
          a focus on the areas of paleoclimate, paleoceanog-  tion. Applicants whose research reveals linkages   induced and naturally occurring earthquakes, car-

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