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          dents on a competitive basis. Candidates  should   gram. We particularly seek applicants in the fields   01/10/19 Spring and 01/02/20 Fall. For more infor-
          have at least an undergraduate degree in geology,   of biogeochemical oceanography, geochemical   mation, contact Dr. Petronis, Environmental Geol-
          geophysics, or in a related area and excellent ana-  hydrology, coastal processes and geomorphology,   ogy, NRM Department, New Mexico Highlands
          lytical and writing skills.        atmospheric dynamics, climate change, and energy   University, Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico
            Faculty research covers a broad spectrum of   and resources. As part of Duke’s Nicholas School   87701, For disabled access or
          Earth sciences, with particular strengths in bio-  of the Environment, our graduate students interact   services call 505-454-3513 or TDD# 505-454-3003.
          geosciences, energy geoscience, hydrological and   with faculty and students in diverse fields related   AA/EOE Employer.
          surface processes, lithospheric processes, paleocli-  to the earth, oceans, atmosphere, biosphere and
          mate, and solid Earth and planetary sciences. For   environment. We offer 5 years of financial support   Graduate Student Opportunities at Case West-
          more information about the Department of Geosci-  through research and teaching assistantships and fel-  ern Reserve University.  Students with back-
          ences, our research areas, and the graduate program   lowships. For more information, please visit https://  grounds in geology, physics, chemistry, biology,
          please visit  engineering, and related fields are encouraged to
            Applications are due by January 15, 2020 for Fall   earth-ocean-sciences-eos or email our Director of   apply for our Ph.D. and MS programs in Earth,
          2020 program entry. Details about the application   Graduate Studies at:  Environmental, and Planetary Sciences. Areas of
          process can be found here:                    active research in the Department include planetary
          geosciences/index.php?id=952059. Please contact   Graduate Assistantship, New Mexico Highlands   geology and geodynamics, planetary materials,
          our Graduate Program Director for more informa-  University. Graduate assistantships  are available   high-pressure mineral physics and geochemistry,
          tion or with questions at or   for students wishing to pursue an MS in Geol-  core and mantle processes, environmental science,
          visit our booth at the AGU fall meeting.  ogy–Environmental  Science  beginning  Spring  or   sedimentary geology, and sediment transport. For
                                             Fall 2020 term. The NMHU Environmental Geol-  more information, please visit
          Ball State University. The Department of Envi-  ogy Program strengths are in Petrology, Environ-  .edu or write to Finan-
          ronment, Geology & Natural Resources at Ball   mental geochemistry, Water Resources & Water   cial assistance is available. Application deadline:
          State University in Muncie, Indiana, invites appli-  Quality, Paleomagnetism, Volcanology, and col-  1/15/2020.
          cations for full-time Ph.D., master of science and/  laborative endeavors with the New Mexico Forest
          or master of arts students starting in August 2020.   and Watershed Restoration Institute. The Paleo-
          We seek highly motivated students with excellent   magnetism–Rock Magnetism, Powder X-Ray Dif-
          written and analytical skills. Graduate assistant   fraction, and Water Chemistry laboratories support
          positions are available on a competitive basis.   wide-ranging analytical and field research. The   Hiring?
          Faculty research covers the spectrum of envi-  NMHU campus is situated at the boundary of the
          ronmental and geological  sciences, and natural   Great Plains and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
          resource management. Please contact Dr. K. Nich-  Campus is located within one to two hours from   Find those qualified to fill vacancies.
          olson for details. Additional   Cenozoic volcanic fields, Precambrian rock expo-  Use print issues of GSA Today
          information can be found at  sures, glaciated valleys, desert terrains, and several   and GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
          academics/collegesanddepartments/environment-  world-renowned geologic features - the Valles Cal-  ( Bundle
          geology-natural-resources.         dera and the Rio Grande Rift. A low student:faculty
                                             ratio, state-of-the art laboratory facilities, and com-  and save for best pricing options.
          Doctoral Student Opportunities, Duke Univer-  mitted  faculty provide  students  with  a  superior   That unique candidate is
          sity. The Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences at   learning experience. The graduate assistantship   waiting to be found.
          Duke University invites intellectually engaged and   includes a nine-month stipend and tuition waiver
          motivated students to apply to our doctoral pro-  per academic year. Application review begins

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