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President, Incorporated Research Applications should include a full vita; a state- Salary. Salary commensurate with experience,
Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) ment describing the applicant’s vision for IRIS for education, and qualifications.
The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismol- the immediate term and for the period beyond the Location—Bozeman, Montana.
ogy (IRIS) invites applications and nominations for 2023 expiration of the current SAGE2 coopera- Geohydrology, Binghamton
the next President of the Consortium. The President tive agreement; a statement addressing past and/ University
is the public face of IRIS and represents the Consor- or potential contributions to diversity, equity, and Binghamton University invites applications for a
tium through leadership and management activities inclusion; and the names and contact information tenure-track appointment in the area of Geohydrol-
with the geosciences community, federal agencies, of three references. Applications and nominations ogy at the assistant professor level to begin in Fall
partners, and member institutions. will be accepted until a new President is selected. 2020. We are seeking an earth scientist who studies
Founded in 1984 with support from the National For optimal consideration, interested parties are physical, chemical or biological processes involv-
Science Foundation (NSF), IRIS is a consortium encouraged to apply by 15 December 2019 at the ing surface water or groundwater by using a com-
of 125 U.S. universities dedicated to advancing address below. bination of field measurements, observations, and
research and education in seismology to understand Presidential Search Committee c/o IRIS, 1200 modeling. We are particularly interested in candi-
our dynamic planet and to benefit society. IRIS New York Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, dates whose research area includes investigation of
programs contribute to new discoveries within our DC 20005. water-related near-surface geophysical processes,
planet, natural hazard mitigation, national secu- The IRIS Consortium believes a diverse staff though individuals with other research areas in the
rity, environmental monitoring, advances in geo- makes us a stronger organization. We are commit- broad field of geohydrology are also encouraged
computation, networking and communications, ted to hiring people of all ages, races, ethnicities, to apply. Priority will be given to candidates who
and in building a scientifically and technologically genders, sexual orientation or gender identities, demonstrate a commitment to interdisciplinary and
proficient workforce. The IRIS membership com- marital status, veteran status, religions, and dis- transdisciplinary teaching and scholarship.
prises virtually all U.S. universities with research abilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged In particular, we seek candidates who will
programs in seismology and includes a growing to apply. strengthen our existing research and teaching
number of Educational Affiliates, U.S. Affiliates, Tenure Track, Remote Sensing, programs in Geological Sciences (https://www
and Foreign Affiliates. IRIS management is cur- Montana State University, Environmental Stud-
rently headquartered in Washington, D.C., but IRIS The Department of Land Resources and Environ- ies (
facilities are distributed internationally and operated mental Sciences at Montana State University, Boze- -studies/), Sustainable Communities (https://www
in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey and man (, is seek-
other partner organizations and institutions. IRIS ing applicants for a tenure track faculty position in and the Center for Integrated Watershed Studies
has annual revenues of approximately $30 million, remote sensing (45% research, 45% teaching, 10% ( The
and the Consortium employs roughly 53 full-time service). We intend to hire a talented and enthusias- position will be part of a new interdisciplinary ini-
professional staff. tic individual who will: (1) provide leadership in the tiative that brings together faculty from geology,
Candidates for the President position will have acquisition, analysis, characterization and applica- environmental science, ecology, and sustainabil-
significant management experience as well as a tion of remotely sensed imagery at multiple scales; ity sciences to study the earth and the challenges
background in leading complex research or facili- (2) actively contribute to sustaining and enhancing facing the planet. This position is also affiliated
ties programs in academia, related government the department’s research, teaching, and outreach with the Sustainable Communities Transdisci-
agencies, or industry. Candidates should be able to programs related to remote sensing as applied to plinary Area of Excellence (TAE), one of six
collaborate and negotiate strategically with other land resources and environmental sciences; and TAEs that Binghamton University has developed
scientific and educational facilities and organiza- (3) contribute to the MSU Spatial Sciences Center as areas of focused interdisciplinary research
tions. This is particularly critical at this time given and its mission to advance academic research and across the university (https://www.binghamton
NSF’s 2019 decision to support a single seismic and instructional programs and to participate in cam- .edu/transdisciplinary-areas-of-excellence/
geodetic facility starting in 2023. The ideal candi- pus-wide synergistic collaboration. sustainable-communities/).
date will have a Ph.D. in Earth Science, or equiva- Candidates should have outstanding research Candidates must have a Ph.D. in geology, envi-
lent professional expertise, along with experience and teaching experience (or potential) and funda- ronmental science, or a related field at the time
in the administration of federal awards, a compre- mental training in remote sensing and quantitative of appointment. The successful candidate must
hensive understanding of federal funding structures analysis as applied to a relevant agricultural/natural develop and sustain a nationally-recognized, exter-
and requirements, and an ability to identify and pur- resources/environmental sciences field. Examples nally-funded research program in their area. We
sue new and diverse funding sources. of potential research foci include ecosystem and also expect the candidate to develop a strong record
The President should be a dynamic leader who landscape processes, environmental restoration, of teaching, thesis advising, and mentoring of stu-
is able to communicate effectively with the IRIS climate change, environmental biology, pest ecol- dents and to offer undergraduate/graduate level
community, federal agency leadership, and other ogy and management, and sustainable and precision courses in their area of expertise. Our preferred
sponsors and scientists. The ideal candidate will agricultural systems. The successful candidate will candidate will also be able to translate their research
have a demonstrated record of successful scientific complement existing departmental strengths, and to broader audiences in water resources and water
and administrative leadership and be able to pro- will be expected to develop a nationally competitive resources policy courses.
ficiently engage with and build consensus across research program supported by extramural grant To apply, please submit a curriculum vita; a cover
the geophysical community. The President will be funds. The successful candidate will teach under- letter describing experience and interest in the posi-
capable of vision, planning, and executive man- graduate and graduate courses in remote sensing, tion; statements of research and teaching interests,
agement in partnership with the governing IRIS and mentor undergraduate and graduate students. and names and contact information of at least three
Board of Directors. Candidates must promote and Applications can be submitted at https://jobs references. All documents should be submitted to:
embrace diversity and inclusion, global awareness, where more details Com-
and ethical values. about the position are also available. Screening pleted applications received by December 15, 2019
A more in-depth position description may be will begin 15 December 2019, and applications will will receive full consideration. Applications arriv-
found at be accepted until an adequate applicant pool has ing after this date will be reviewed as needed until
president1. been established. Montana State University values the position is filled.
Requests for additional information should be diverse perspectives and is committed to continu- Binghamton University is an Equal Opportunity/
directed to Professor Charles J. Ammon, Chair, ally supporting, promoting, and building an inclu- Affirmative Action Employer. It is the policy of
IRIS President Search Committee, sive and culturally diverse campus environment. Binghamton University to provide for and promote 33