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port, delta evolution, beach/tidal morphodynam-  Qualifications: The candidate must either have a   ate and International Admissions Center (GIAC) by
          ics, marine geohazards, and tectonic processes that   Ph.D. in geology or a reasonable prospect of having   the appropriate deadline (December 1st 2019 for fel-
          impact coastal zones, including uplift, subsidence,   a Ph.D. by the Fall of 2020.  lowship consideration and January 1st for all appli-
          and tsunami generation and impacts.  Application Instructions: Applications are   cations). See
            Paleoceanography/Paleoclimate. The ideal can-  accepted online at
          didate will enhance our existing strengths in geo-  faculty. As part of the online application candi-  -to-apply.
          science teaching and research by developing new   dates will upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae,   More information about the application process
          courses and research avenues in paleoceanography/  transcripts (unofficial transcripts  accepted for   can be found at The University of Texas at Austin,
          paleoclimatology. Broad areas of interest include,   the initial application), and a statement of teach-  Jackson School of Geosciences admissions por-
          but are not limited to, oceanic circulation and heat   ing philosophy and competencies. Applicants will   tal:
          transport, micropaleontology/paleoecology, the car-  also submit a statement describing their fit to the   admissions/.
          bon cycle, and geochemical processes that are related   mission of Hope College (  For additional information concerning the
          to climate variations on geological timescales. Tools   mission.html). As it may not be addressed else-  application process, contact the Jackson School of
          and techniques used to address these problems can   where in the application, applicants should devote   Geosciences graduate Program Coordinator, Philip
          include geochemical or sedimentological proxies of   particular attention to the Christian aspect of the   Guerrero:
          climate  variations, paleontological  proxies/indica-  mission statement and their personal engagement
          tors of climate variations, physical oceanographic   with faith and/or a faith community.   Graduate  Student  Opportunities  (MS),  Ohio
          data, or other appropriate techniques.  In addition, names and contact information for   University.  The Department of Geological Sci-
            Marine Geologist. The ideal candidate will   three references will be entered into the application.   ences at Ohio University invites applications to its
          enhance our existing strengths in geoscience teach-  Those references will be contacted upon application   research thesis-based MS degree in Geology for the
          ing  and  research  by  developing  new  courses  and   to submit letters of reference.  Fall  of  2020.  The Geological  Sciences  faculty  at
          research avenues in marine geology with a focus on   Application deadline is January 15, 2020.  Ohio University collaborate in three research clus-
          crustal/lithospheric evolution and/or tectonic pro-  For a full job description and to read about Hope   ters: paleobiology and sedimentary geology, solid
          cesses. Broad areas of interest include, but are not   College please visit our website at  earth and planetary dynamics, and environmental
          limited to, formation of the oceanic lithosphere and   employment/faculty.  and surficial processes. Prospective students are
          crustal evolution, geodynamics of the ocean basins,   Hope College seeks to be a community that   encouraged to contact faculty directly to discuss
          hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges, geo-  affirms the dignity of all persons as bearers of God’s   potential research topics. Qualified students are eli-
          chemistry of rock-water interactions, submarine   image. It is Hope College policy not to discriminate   gible to receive teaching assistantships that carry a
          volcanic systems, or tectonic processes associated   on the basis of age, color, disability, family status,   full tuition scholarship and a competitive stipend.
          with oceanic plate boundaries. Tools and tech-  genetic information, height, national origin, preg-  For program and application information, visit the
          niques used to address these problems can include   nancy, race, religion, sex, or weight, except in the   department website at
          geochemical analyses, geophysical methods, geo-  event of a bona fide occupational qualification.   geology/graduate or contact the graduate chair, Dr.
          spatial analysis,  textural  rock  analysis,  numerical   Hope College is an equal opportunity employer.  Daniel Hembree ( Review of
          models, or other appropriate techniques.                              applications begins February 1, 2020.
            These positions will begin Sept 16, 2020. As   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
          members of the group of initial faculty hires into                    Graduate Student Opportunities (Online MS),
          the MACS program, the successful applicant will   Multiple Ph.D. student positions in Geomechan-  Ohio  University.  The  Department  of  Geological
          foster an interdisciplinary approach to teaching   ics at The University of Texas at Austin. We are   Sciences at Ohio University invites applications
          and research in geology and marine science. We   currently seeking Ph.D. students to join the Geo-  to its online, non-thesis MS degree in Geology for
          seek individuals who are enthusiastic about teach-  mechanics and GeoFluids research program in the   the Fall of 2020. The program includes courses on
          ing and who will establish a vigorous research pro-  Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School   research methods, paleobiology and sedimentary
          gram, and are particularly interested in those who   of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Aus-  geology, Earth materials and planetary geology, and
          will combine field, experimental, and/or modeling   tin. Our group works on a wide range of problems   environmental and surface processes. The program
          approaches in their research program, and who will   related to stress, fault and rock strength, coupled   is designed for students planning to enter or already
          involve undergraduate and Masters-level students   deformation and fluid flow, and rock and sediment   in the geoscience workforce (industry, government,
          in their research.                 physical properties in the Earth’s crust, through   non-profit) that do not require research experience
            To apply, and for further details regarding quali-  integration of  experimental, theoretical model-  as well as K–12 educators seeking additional train-
          fications and position responsibilities, please see   ing, and field-based approaches. Active research   ing in the geosciences. For program and application
  projects provide an opportunity to engage and   information, visit the department website at http://
          assistant-professor-geology-marine-and-coastal-  are strongly allied with Scientific Ocean Drilling or contact the
          science.                           efforts offshore New Zealand, Japan, Costa Rica,   graduate chair, Dr. Daniel Hembree (hembree@
            Please contact the search committee chair, Ber-            Review of applications begins February
          nie Housen ( for questions about   the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  and  several  other  continen-  1, 2020.
                                             tal margins; these projects also offer outstanding
          these positions. Review of applications begins   opportunities to engage with research in the energy
          October 14, 2019 and continues until the positions   industry. Current areas of focus include mechanical   Graduate Student Opportunities, Baylor  Uni-
          are filled.                        and hydrological processes in active tectonic envi-  versity. The Department of Geosciences at Baylor
          Geology Faculty, Hope College      ronments, such as subduction zones and transform   University invites applications for full-time Ph.D.
          The Department of Geological & Environmental   systems; deformation, material properties, and pore   and MS students starting in August 2020. Admis-
          Sciences seeks applicants for a full-time non-tenure   pressure in regions with complex stress histories;   sion to the program includes 5 years of financial
          track position for up to three years, beginning in the   flow and mechanical properties of mudrocks, and   support for Ph.D. students and 2 years of finan-
          Fall of 2020. The applicant must be able to teach   gas hydrate systems. Tuition, stipend, and other   cial support for MS students through research and
          courses in either structural geology or geomorphol-  fees will be fully funded for these research posi-  teaching assistantships and fellowships. Admitted
          ogy as well as introductory level courses in geology   tions. For information please contact Demian Saffer   students also receive a  full tuition waiver,  80%
          and environmental science. The applicant will also   (demian.saffer@austin.utexas,edu) or Peter Flem-  health insurance subsidy, annual travel funding
          be expected to collaborate with undergraduate stu-  ings (  from department and university for conference
          dents on research projects.          All applications must be completed in the Gradu-  attendance, and research funding for graduate stu-

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